Fri. Sep 13th, 2024
New Zealand

New Zealand is a nation of islands, situated in Oceania. The South Island and the North Island are its two main parts. New Zealand was among the last locations on Earth to be discovered by humans. But did you know, in this country with a population of 50 lakh, every person is 2 times richer than one person in India. New Zealand is miles away from every major country in the world but still, they have something from which they can earn a lot of profit, and that is milk.
Yes, Milk… Milk is the one element that has made it feasible for developed cities, excellent standards of living, and luxuries to exist on this planet.
Let us know in today’s Blog. This Blog is quite interesting and has a lot of good lessons.

There are more cows in New Zealand than the people. The actual population of New Zealand is approximately 52 lakh, but to be more specific, there are 10 crore cattle in this nation. Beef cows, dairy cows, and deer are all considered cattle. Plus, they’ve turned this into their greatest asset. In what way?

If We look at New Zealand’s GDP, 7% Comes from the primary sector i.e. agriculture . Almost 60% of their total exports come from this sector alone , Which is quite significant. New Zealand is among the top 2 exporters of butter, cheese, and whole milk powder, and among the top 55 in skim milk powder.

This will only happen if the government supports farmers and implements long-term beneficial policies.

There are a number of reasons why milk production has been so important to New Zealand’s economy and its prosperity:

Climate and Geography: Dairy farming is a good fit for New Zealand because of the country’s mild temperature and availability of rainfall. This area is perfect for dairy cows all year round due to its green grasslands.

Focus on Dairy Farming: The cultivation of dairy products has played an important role in New Zealand’s extensive agricultural history. The nation has put resources into building up dairy farming techniques and facilities that are efficient.

Economic Impact: Employing a large number of people, especially in the country’s more rural regions, and bringing in billions of dollars in yearly export revenue, New Zealand’s dairy industry is a major economic driver.

Using its natural resources and agricultural knowledge, New Zealand has become quite wealthy through milk production, which has been a major engine for economic growth and prosperity.

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